Harnessing the Power of Web-based Augmented Reality: 6 Major Benefits!
Some years ago – we solely depended on reality – and relied on facts and materials that were tangible in the real world. Today – augmented reality experiences have transformed our world into a multisensory experience – you can experience anything and everything without real-time constraints & consequences. Since the past decade – we have seen humongous changes in technology – and 2023 is welcoming mixed reality with open arms! Web-based Augmented Reality is the recent advancement – making impossible imaginary worlds into reality on the Web. This blog is going to shed light on how Web AR is helping us realize the potential of tomorrow.
But – Let’s be Real,
Do we really know the difference between Augmented Reality and Web-based Augmented Reality?

Based on the above analysis – we already know Web-based augmented reality is the king of cutting-edge solutions for merging reality and impossible real-life innovations!
When we first read about web-based AR – we found it as the perfect way to unleash virtual experiences with our surroundings and enhance the digital offering of any business!
But does Web-AR function smoothly? Absolutely!
Whenever technologies like AR, VR, or the Metaverse bubble up – the point of cross-platform compatibility is made obvious – it does not bloody work smoothly! Despite countless headaches and huge costs – it is a hassle when you have to reach a mass audience who doesn’t have high-grade software to watch it.
The Web-AR gives you a massive sigh of relief – because it does not need sophisticated devices to function. Do you have Chrome installed and a good network connection? That’s enough! The audience merely has to follow a particular URL or a QR code and they can interact with the AR right in their browser.
The revolutionary features of mobile browsers have taken it up a notch! Let’s see how with the added power of web AR – the digital realm can become the prime location of creative & artistic marketing opportunities!
6 Reasons why Web AR is decidedly the best!
- Impossibly easy access:
Web AR is the perfect blend of smart and easily accessible – and is a hero for core business marketing. Implementing it in your business is as easy as building a website (actually, a little harder than that – But anyway). This tech makes it so convenient for your users to pop in and experience what you have to offer.
You do not have to select a target market with hi-fi devices or richie-rich software – a lad in 10th grade with a PC to an oldie with an iPhone can experience your market/services in Web AR.
- Pocket-friendly, not pocket-tearing!
No longer do you have to tear your pocket in hopes of building augmented reality experiences! Web AR will help you create smart tech-friendly physical aspects, enhance the understanding points & provide valuable insights about your business into the market – ALL IN A GREAT COST!
The development plus maintenance costs are affordable and there is a wider reach for minimal investment.
There are two types of augmented reality developments:
- Marker-based
It takes generally 3 months to make & is easy to develop.
- Marker-less
It includes a technology called SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) in development – and high-grade software is used in the making.
Many factors affect the cost:
- The Type of AR app
- The Type of content creation in AR
- The AR app’s complexity
- Software licenses
& much more.
- Fits into the real world – well!
The problem with many technologies is – it does not stitch well into the common fabric of the target audience. Web AR is one such gem of technology – which has tapped into the core problem – and SOLVED IT! It can fit well into numerous networks, business models, and digital operating systems and navigate easily through every problem.
Let’s see some examples of real-world business integrations – and who knows? Maybe you too would get an idea of where AR can fit into your business!
H&M: developed a virtual clothing line – by asking participants to submit their creative looks and versatile names for each of those looks.
- Educational Industry
Quiver Mask: Kids can create their interactive masks as this app combines AR coloring pages. It also helps them tell interesting stories with these masks.
Octagon Studios: They have developed 4D+ AR flashcards, through which faculties can explain the origin and operations of dinosaurs and various other reptiles. These visual simulations make a lasting impression on the kids’ minds!
- Insurance Industry
Liverpool Victoria: This is one of the UK’s largest insurance companies which shares newspapers and flyers using AR to convey the brand message. The flyer transforms into a 3D model when it is scanned. Customers also explore insurable items inside the house.
- Event Industry
Equitas Small Finance Bank: This bank – with the help of an innovative IT company – launched its CSK virtual debit card in the ‘Equiverse‘. Not only was the event audience more than 50K people, but the audience was able to interact with the players’ trial rooms and walk around the hallway where players generally stay. What a genius idea isn’t it?!
These are merely 0.01% of the total examples we could give for superb WebAR implementation – but you get the gist! Web AR is a persistent network of the best kind!
Cash in on Web AR’s superb scalability!
Till now, we built breezy websites with stereotype headings and a few service pages to showcase our product. It was a hail mary on the content and graphics – hoping that our customers would understand what brand message we are trying to convey.
But, most of the world has joined the web AR club now! And Why not? The perks of having a Web AR for your business are many, as it not only immerses your audience but enhances their product viewing experience! And it’s not only about products – as shown above – Web AR can be expanded as per the motive of the experience. (Training, education, fashion, marketing, etc.)
Some points that have made Web AR unshakeable are:
- Its cross-platform compatibility
- 3D product visualization – potential customers’ interest increases – and so do your sales figures!
- Shareability – this factor increases your backlinks & social media mentions with ease.
- Geolocation Integration – Use this functionality to provide location-specific content & boost your SEO ranking!
- Scalable Hosting Solutions – Scalable hosting solutions can handle increasing traffic with downtime. This reliability ensures that your SEO is safe and strong forever.
- Enhanced User Experience
Web AR has been ground-breaking for the digital world – as it has leveled up how we showcase our products/services. Companies like Coca-Cola, and more have adapted to the marketing benefits of Web-based augmented reality – but what is the actual hype? Read below to find out!
- Interactive product visualization: Viewing and interacting with 3D models in a real environment.
- Gamification: Adding a gamified layer to real-world settings makes apps and websites more engaging.
- Way-finding and Navigation: Are you searching for something in a city that you don’t know anything about? Web-based AR can help you provide real-time assistance in unfamiliar environments.
- Personalization: Recognizing individuals in the real world and interacting as well as reacting with them has increased user engagement and relevance.
- Storytelling & entertainment: Immersive stories with a hint of marketing as well as advertising can make your content so much more interesting.
- Data Visualization: Gone are the days when PPTs and Excel sheets could help you understandably visualize data. Now you have AR to help with portraying complex data in a way that even a child can understand.
Web AR improves user experiences by combining the digital and real worlds with interactive, instructive, and entertaining content. It allows numerous sectors to engage people, increase revenue, and get unique results!
- Amazing Analytics & Data Insights
Pie charts and bar graphs are no longer the right way to measure or analyze complex data. Web AR is the go-to way – for all data enthusiasts out there – as it illustrates the data in the most easily digestible way. When data is visualized through web AR – it becomes so much easier to make changes and decide on data-backed conclusions.
Modern datasets today – are analyzed when 2D graphic representations and reports are merged. But AR allows you to have a holistic view of the whole data – all at once. Also, the user interacts with the data – Web AR uses the human’s instinct to think and process information.
For example: Kuehne+Nagel leveraged AI and VR to streamline their extensive supply chain data analysis, enhancing the comprehension of interconnected processes, and thus boosting operational efficiency.
End Note
At this juncture, Web AR has multiple positive points rather than negative ones – and the world is slowly but steadily leaning towards it. It was a futuristic dream once upon a time – but now has turned into a real-time operational process – and we hope this blog illuminates your mind on the advantages of Web AR. The Future of business is here and it surely is augmented.